Saturday, May 1, 2021

Hand made pots at Bonsaigarten Muenchen

Hand made pots at Bonsaigarten Muenchen 

Bonsaigarten Muenchen has one of the largest artistic bonsai  pot offerings in Europe and elsewhere. There are a few hundred of these in all sizes. All of these are hand made, mostly by renowned European potters. This collection was put together in 40 years and now is all offered by Thomas Haering. Thomas has a lot of expedience and is very good in matching tree and pot. if you want a really good pot for a really good tree bring the tree and Thomas will find your pot.  Prices are from very affordable to exclusive for very rare pieces. Some are really fine vintage collector items.

address: Schwarzstr. 12, 85604 Zorneding: telephone: ++49  (0)15117621306