You saw the report of the International Bonsai Academy in Harrisburg, Pa. Here are some images of the nursery after the seminar. Three days later the trees were stored away. But the trees are still there and they are all for sale. So visit Nature's Way Nursery any time in winter.
We will continue the International Bonsai Academy in Harrisburg in 2014.
Woodstock VII will take place from April 4 to April 6, 2014. This is part of the International Bonsai Academy.
The program is similar to the winter academy. We always do whatever can and should be done at the time of the year. In spring, of course, we will do a lot of repotting. We will also do more wiring than in winter.
For the workshops you can bring your own trees and/or can also work with collected trees from the nursery. Yes, that's right. We will let you loose on collected trees that you don't have to purchase. You can though.
There are already around 400 trees available now. At the end of March 2014 there will be almost 400 more. Of these new trees around 250 will be collected trees again, mainly Engelmann spruce of all sizes, ponderosa pines Rocky Mountain Junipers, limber pines, Douglas firs and others. This will then be more than 600 very good collected trees available. I am not aware whether there is a nursery in all of America which has such a lot of quality collected stuff. East of the Rocky Mountains Nature's Way Nursery is THE source for quality collected trees.The price range is from 45 upwards. The majority is priced in the range of 50 to 400. There will also be more than 100 deciduous nursery trees: European larch, Japanese larch, trident maples, Japanese maples, field maples, French maples, stewartia, bald cypress and others. All these nursery trees have very good nebari, good taper and ramification. They are all medium size and ready for styling. The price range is typically from 200 to 300.
In addition we already have fixed the next 'Winter with Walter and Jim' for December 5 to 7, 2014. The program is the same as in 2013.
The big Rocky Mountain juniper will be styled by Mauro Stemberger as a special event in spring of 2014. Don't miss this one!
Enrollments have already begun for all events. Secure your seat and call Jim Doyle now:
Call Nature's Way Nursery (Jim Doyle) for more information or signing in
Please read the website for class information:
If you want them to mail a schedule let them know your mailing address.
In both events it will be possible to participate as
-full member three days
-full member one or two days
-silent observer for a fee for one to three days ( this is specially recommend for beginners and those who don't feel that they want to actually work on trees)
-lurkers for free for 20 to 30 minutes to see what's going on and to decide whether you want to participate immediately or alter
You have the chance to see and purchase exquisite collected American material. This is true for everyone. You don't need to be part of the programs. There will be a special discount just on these days.
I look forward to see you there.