Walter Pall's main blog about bonsai and his work with trees from day to day. Lots of good pictures of good trees and lots of valuable information about bonsai.
Monday, August 4, 2008
European black pine nr. 3
This Austrian black pine was collected by Uli Ernst in Austria in 2002. It found it's way into my garden in spring of 2004. At that time it was huge, with an enormous crown. I decided to use it for a demonstration at the big German convention in Ratingen 2004. Afterwards it appeared a lot more tamed. In spring of 2005 it was taken out of the way too large and ugly plastic tub. We used a round Korean pot which was a bit too large because that's what we found. The wire was removed in spring of 2007. In August 2008 it was decided to do a second styling. All old needles were plucked, the foliage edited slightly and copper wire was applied. Now it looks like it will become a very good black pine one day. The nebari is really outstanding. The Korean pot is still a bit too large, although the tree has gained in girth considerably. At last a virtual to see what it would look like in a decent bonsai pot.