The Scandinavian Bonsai Retreats are organized by Thor Holvila from
Sweden. These retreats are full weekends and everything is around
bonsai. The locations are somewhere in Sweden. There are 20 or more
participants from many countries. - retreat language is English. These
events started with harry Harrington as teacher and by now have a
tradition and are very popular. Harry did a great job.
In order to get onto the list of participants you have to be quick after
the announcement. In spring of this year Harry led a weekend in the
south of Sweden. Last weekend there was a second event in Älvdalen in
the center of Sweden, where the true wilderness begins. Moose are
common, we hear of bears and other beasts. It is like one imagines
Alaska including living in fishermen's block houses for the weekend.
I was honored to be asked to lead this one and brought Jennifer Price
from Chicago and Thomas Haering from Munich with me. Everybody had a
great time. See some glimpses of the event.