Friday, February 1, 2019

March 26 - Workshop with WP at Hidden Gardens, south of Chicago in Willowbrook

Similar to last year we will have a evening with Walter Pall on March 26th. Cost will be $75.00 The workshop would be bring your own tree from 5:00pm until 9:00 pm. We can offer some trees

write to Jeff Schulz:
or call him:  +1 630-655-8283

At Hidden Gardens one can find some of the best bonsai material in the country. Around 200 plus new trees will be there in March. These are mostly old to very old collected conifers like limber pine, ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, Engelmann spruce, Colorado blue spruce. Alpine fir, Douglas fir and others as well as some deciduous broadleaved trees like American hornbeams and Amur maples.There usually are 400 or more trees available to choose from. A few dozen are outright world class, many very good, all hand selected by myself. There are over 150 trees in the range from US$ 50 to 600, about 50 from 600 to 1,500. Everybody can find himself a genuine American collected tree. This is the biggest selection of this kind of trees west of the Rockies.