Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Gallery renovated!

New Gallery!

Some may have noticed already, the Gallery got renovated. Google decided to discontinue Picasa, which was an integral part of the old gallery. And then updating the gallery was a nightmare every time.
So I had to do something an came up with the new design with jAlbum. It is essentially the same content but with a few interesting new features. Around 20,000 images are available in ten subsections. Additional features are eh possibility to have an automatic slide presentation for each tree, find new images very quickly, search for text. All images are for sale, copying from the gallery was made almost impossible.

While making the gallery ready for the new format I cleaned and edited it here and there.

My blog and my facebook accounts take care of day to day happenings. They report what is going on. The galleries show rather permanent information. They do change, but very slowly.

Take a look: