Walter Pall's main blog about bonsai and his work with trees from day to day. Lots of good pictures of good trees and lots of valuable information about bonsai.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Japanese white pine #5 refurbished
Japanese white pine, Pinus pentaphylla, collected in the Japanese mountains many decades ago, styled as bonsai by a Japanese master and then after a few decades neglected a bit, imported to Europe last year. I did not pluck old needles to keep the tree happy and healthy after styling. When I showed the tree ten days ago on my blog before refubishing some smart individual mentioned that it is 'not worth the bother' because of poor nebari. Well, I am always grateful to get free advice from folks who apparently know so much more than I do. I worked on the deadwood a bit. New pot by Derek Aspinall.