Why is it that there are some folks who can walk through a nursery and spot the 'right' trees within a few minutes And the rest of the crowd has a hard time to find anything. Why is it that the same crowd walks through the forest and invariably the same guy finds more good trees than the rest together. Why is it that some folks have put together enormous collections of outstanding bonsai with very little money and the rest of the crowd has not accomplished much in thee same time frame even with spending more money. Is this all just a matter of luck? Not at all. A certain skill is required: to be able to see what can be done and then do it.
So the week-end seminar 'finding potential in bonsai material' was born after a couple of discussions with Peter Schmidt and Wolfgang Kaeflein. Peter Schmidt is an upcoming bonsaiist who has a strong organization and marketing background. Wolfgang Kaeflein is the man who has collected the most trees in the world. He must have collected between 50,000 and 100,000 in the past thirty years. We decided to place the seminar right in the bonsai paradise of Wolfgang Kaeflein in Neidelsbach, in the middle of Germany.
The seminar started out with more than an hour of theory.