Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Oriental hornbeam #23

Oriental hornbeam, Carpinus orientalis, collected in Croatia in 2010, training pot from China. The development is remarkable if one considers that it had the first styling only in spring of last year!


Prunus #18

Wild plum, Prunus cerasifera, collected in Croatia in 2012 (!!!). pot by Walter Venne. Many people think that one finds a finished bonsai in the wilderness an plants it into a pot - and here we are with a naturalistic piece of art. Well, it isn't like this in real life. But once in a lifetime it happens. This tree was formed by cows. They did a great job, but I still feel the need to edit their wor. In a couple of years there will not be any really ugly guy wires and the tree will have hundreds of tiny white flowers in March. This shold be a killer tree for Noelanders Trophy eventually if I manage to ahve it flower in January. Just put it into a warm greenhouse in December. Or so I dream.


Weigelia #1

Weigelia, Weigelia spec, from a garden tree, pot by Gabriele Wirth.