The new pots are virtuals, of course. I would never repot a tree in February in our area. Around the middle of April is the right time for hornbeams. And then one should not really repot a recently stlyed tree anyway. At least this is what I would strongly suggest to the regular bosnai hobbyist while I might dare it myself.
These are my two preferrred fronts.
In all innocence I have posted this story on the German forum. I fall into the same trap every time. I work on a tree and in the end I feel it is good or even very good. Then I make pictures. I do notice that the pictures don't do justice to the tree, but I post them regardless. A naturalsitic bonsai is a three dimensional sculptre. It is extremely hard to make the quality visible on a two dimensional photograph. It is much easier to do so on a tree that is designed two dimensionally, like the majority of traditionally styled bonsai. So a picture of a naturalistic tree will always not do justice to the real image, more so than most traditional creations.
Well, regardlwess I thouhgt that peopel will see what I mean here.
And then the whole old discussion started all over again. Radical views everyhwere. Many just love it some just hate it, a few hate me pesonally outright. In all naivity I thought that it is not possible to hate it. Well it is very possible, I can tell you. And they did not hesitate to insult me again and again. Just like good old Reiner.
There is something like a 'celebrity status' for me on the net. On the German forum certainly. It means this: everybody can insult me, but I have to be proper and behaving because I am a celbrity. I can say that Angela Merkel, our Prime Minister is an unable slob in public, but Angela Merkel could never say so about me. Great to have a celbrity status.
One thing about blogs is that you don't hear what they say and you don't miss it anyway.
The same thing happened four years ago when I posted my naturalistic Scots pine on the IBC gallery. They tore me and the tree to pieces. Well, In summer of 2006 the very same tree was on the title page of Bonsai Today. And not a single one of those who had insulted me came back to apologize or to say at lest that he had not had the vision. It is my aim to bring this hornbeam to a state where it can be exhibited in the grand European shows. And who knows, it may make it to title page of some bonsai magazine.