Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Croatian black pine one step further

Thsi Pinus nigra I brought with me from Croatia last spring. Today was the time to get it into a decent pot.

one more step for this mugo

This mugo looked healthy enough to place it in a much smaller container today.

repotting of a mugo with enormous potential

This one I got two weeks ago and decided to pot it in the final pot right away and do the crown next year.

new mugo again

This one is in the box since a year. To really repot it was too dangerous. But it was possible to take off a lot off the debris on top and find a treasure. Lena was of great help.

Monday, April 28, 2008

red Japanese maple

two different versions of light.

white flowers

Three wild cherries, Prunus mahaleb. They are fun at this time of the year.