Friday, October 31, 2014

Trident maple avaialble

Trident maple, Acer burgerianum, 45 cm high, very nice, for sale or trade.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A personal view on the Fairy Tale Style

Over eigen gevormde en opgekweekte bonsai: A personal view on the Fairy Tale Style: This article depicts my personal view on the so-called Fairy Tale Style put forward by Walter Pall in his article http://walter-pall-bonsai...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

some fall colors

Two Japanese maples and one European hornbeam.

Japanese maple #17

I am happy with the develpment in only 5 months.

Back from a great trip through Europe with Jim Doyle

Jim Doyle from Harrisburg and Jennifer Price went on a great trip thorugh Europe with me for a week. Here some glimpses. See a lot more at  Travelogues  .

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ficus #1

This ficus was for sale for a long while. The longer I have it the more I think I should really keep it. In Erurpe this is a ficus of high quality and I think I should have one of them. It was mainly for sale because of overwintering problems. Since I just placed it into my pot room which is unheated and qutite cold but has no frost it is doing very well. It does not loose foliage in winter and even grows in winter storage. While it is still on my 'available' list the price is going up rapidly.