Sunday, August 31, 2008

Late summer Meeeting 2008 #4

Sebastijan from Zagreb sent these as the contribution of the Croation team.

Late summer Meeeting 2008 #3

Alex did these images. Thank you Alex.

My wife said:"without Alex and the mobile toilette we could not have held the meeting."

Late summer Meeeting 2008 #1

This year again we were very lucky concerning the weathe e had. It cold not have been any better. Around 300 people found the way to my garden. We had a visitor from Canada,from France. A goup came from Zagreb and Split, Croatia (twelve hours dirve!), some from Slovenia, from all parts of Germany, Austria. Many had brought bonsai with them for the tree critique which went on for a few hours. Michael from Salzburg brought his famous food again and my lovely wife, Hanna, was busy in the pot room and with food and drinks all day long. Thank you all.

Here some images courtesy of Hans Kastner

Thursday, August 28, 2008

mugo shohin cascades

The first one was unwired. I may decide to show it at the Crespi cup in the shohin professional show this year.

black pines looking good

These are European black pines, Pinus nigra Asutriaca. The first one is a shohin which is pretty much unheard of for this species.

some treasures found among the spruce

While I am very busy preparing trees for my upcoming Late Summer Meeting I find that some of them look better thatn last time.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My CD is here!!

My new CD is here! I still cannot believe it. This was hard work on unknown terrain. Robert S. from Germany helped me a lot. Thank you Robert.

So what is on the CD? It is a copy of my gallery. It contains about 800 (eight thousand!) images. And a lot of text.
Why would one purchase a CD that has the same contents ans a web site? Well, as many of you know all too well some of my files are huge, containing hundreds of images. it takes ages for them to load with a modem or any slow internet access. If you have the CD you can load from the Cd very quickly. Or you load the whole CD in twenty minutes onto your PC. then you can access huge files immediately. Then some folks have problems with images getting stuck. some folks have their own file for important images. They load every image that they find interesting onto their file. Well, with 8000 images I wish you good luck. You can get them all at once! And then, who says that the content of my gallery will always stay like it is now? I can reduce the content any minute. And finally folks just want a souvenir, an item from Walter Pall. They are all asking for a book. One does not write books anymore. One produces a CD. Here it is.
It will run on Windows, Opera, Firefox, Mac, Linux (with some slight problems). Usually it will self-load. If not, just find the index file and click onto it.

I sell this for 20 euro or 35 US$. My signature, if you want it costs nothing. At the moment it is only available at events where I am present. But I may well find a distributor. At the moment I WILL NOT SHIP!
The first event will be my Late Summer Meeting in my garden on Saturday, August 30.
See you there.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

seminar "finding potential in material"

On Saturday, Augst 30 we had the seminar "how to tell potential in raw maerial" ar Wolfgang Kaeflein's place. As always this was a lot of fun for all participants. More than 30 folks came to learn all day about this.

See the images at the other blog "travelogues". Images are courtesy of jupp, nobi and schnappi from Germany. Thank you.

The next seminar will be on November 1st at Wolfgang Kaeflein's place. Jim Dyole from Harrsiburg, PA and I will do an all-day tree critique. You bring as mayn bonsai as fit into your car and we will analyse them in public.

On April 25, 209 the next semiar about finding potential in material will take place at Wolfgang Kaeflein's place.

Ein ganz besonderes weiteres Workshop ist schon fest geplant:

Grosse Baumbesprechung mit Jim Doyle und Walter Pall bei Wolfgang Käflein am Samstag, den 1. November 2008

Da werden Bäume beprochen, die die Teilnehmer mitgebracht haben. Es sollten Bäume aller Art in allen Stadien der Gestaltung sein - vom Steckling im Yogurthbecher bis zum Weltklassebonsai. Also nicht nur Problembäume, sondern auch solche, mit denen man echt zufrieden ist. Und natürlich auch alle Baumarten.Die Bäume werden öffentlich von Jim Doyle und Walter Pall analysiert. Es wird aber nur mit Worten gearbeitet, sonst wird nichts dran getan. Man bekommt als zwei Expertenmeinungen. Es wird auch vorkommen, dass sich Jim Doyle und Walter Pall auf der Bühne auseinandersetzen, weil sie verschiedener Meinung sind. Simultanübersetzug von Walter Pall.
Das wird auf jeden Fall lustig, interessant und lehrreich. Peter Schmidt wird euch erklären, wie man sich da anmeldet.

Weiters sind wir am Überlegen, ob noch ein Seminar "Potentialerkennung mit WP" bie Käflein am Samstag, den 25. April 2009 stattfinden soll. Da würden mch einige Meinugen interessieren. Wenn wir merkn, dass genügend Nachfrage besteht, dann wird es fest eingeplant.

some trees in good shape

European black pine
small Rocky Mountain Juniper
small Scots pine
two euonymus
trident maple
two small ponderosas
deutzia, shohin